Business Opinions: Art – business or hobby?

“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see” – Edgar Degas

Art is subjective, take any ten people, show them a piece of art and their reactions will most definitely be different. Some will love it, some will hate it and some will have no opinion because they don’t understand it. So how is an artist to make a living through its art? They cannot all be Warhol, Dali or Picasso, and even those great masters were not that successful during their lifetimes.


            At the same time, looking at contemporary artist we can see they are making a living and doing what they love. Are they millionaires? Maybe not, but as long as you can pay the bills, enjoy life and work is something you love, well then you are on the right way to big success. Even if sometimes you need also job to complete your earning, most of the time the job is also in the art field: teaching, consulting etc. So what do you need in order to make a living as an artist?

  1. Have talent, skills and make good art. Of course we are getting back to the point that art is subjectively called good or bad. But if you have what it takes and believe in yourself there will be a moment when the right person will see it. And after that others will follow. The only thing you have to legitimize is you vision, your art. Don’t be a copy cat, make your own art. Sometimes we come across a masterpiece so good that everyone is touched by it.
  2. Learn about business. Just because your business is art doesn’t mean it works differently than any other business. You still have a product and you need customers. You have to sell in order to cover expenses. If you treat this business light, just because it is art, you will fail before even starting. Just common sense principles will due, not an MBA. If nothing else learn that profit only comes from the difference between income and expenses.
  3. Networking. It is subjective so human to human connection is very important. Fight the urge t stay in your studio and create, go out and talk to people, present yourself and your work. Learn from other artists and meet buyers. Make them see your vision and get the advice and support you require to go on. You might just find yourself your own Gaius Maecenas.
  4. Commit to being an artist. You have to follow your calling and be an artist. Try and make money from your art and don’t give up. Unless you see art as your business you will not be able to be successful too. Having a job and being an artist in your free time does not make you an artist, you are just a gifted individual with a hobby. Paint, design, dance or sculpt as a job or business, 100%.
  5. Build a brand. You have to define yourself and build an attractive brand. Be original and promote what makes you different. Social media is the first and easiest step. Create a web site, a blog or profile pages and build on that. Have your portfolio out there. Another way is to have media appearances, interviews and so on. Remember the fine line between promoting yourself and becoming annoying to your network. Be careful not to cross the line.
  6. Don’t sell yourself cheap. Starting could be difficult and you could try and sell at any price. The down side of that is that you will create a starting price that will follow you. No one is saying you should ask a million dollars for a painting or sculpture. Just ask the right price and be sure to make a profit. After all you are trying to build a business and the main reason for that is profit.
  7. Be patient. Those pop-up from nowhere, next best thing you see in the movies, that hardly never happens. So don’t dream about creating a piece of art and immediately become a superstar. You don’t just graduate and instantly get rich from your art. It takes time to create, to make a name and reach your potential.


There also an alternative for making art your business in the case you have no talent. You could open an art gallery and help artist promote themselves while making money. But remember artists are introverts, they don’t always know the value of their work and you will have to help them and not take advantage of them. Good karma is better than profit in the long run.

Art school doesn’t teach business. You learn to draw, design, make beautiful art, create but no one tells you how to make money out of that. There is still the idea of the romantic artist, living in his studio and feeding himself with his art. That idea has to be erased from artists’ mentality. You work, you are good and you need to get paid. Except for the moment you win the lottery and you just want to share your vision with others, and give your creations as gifts.

andre vicari

In the end my artistic friends, keep this words in mind “an artist cannot fail, it is a success just to be one” – Charles Horton Cooley. Failure is not an option. You are an artist no matter the profit, but it is better to be an artist with money in his bank account than an artist with debts.

*Mihai Chiratcu is an opportunity creator, trainer and free man. After 10 years experience in sales and business development, he is using the knowledge gathered trying to bring a new approach in training and business consultancy. He brings you every Thursday special information and gives advices through the section “Business Opinions”. For more information, you can find Mihai at

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